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My name is Egypt.
Welcome to my main blog, I'm never really good with this opening stuff but I guess it's a beginning for everything.

Thursday, January 1, 2015, 12:47 PM
First time realizing beliefs.

             Well I am proud to say I am fully Wiccan with some Catholic beliefs still of course. From a very young age I've always believe in Jesus without anyone pressuring me to, because of my experiences with paranormal, and my memory. 
But I also always believed the creator didn't built the universe alone, don't get me wrong he is the great creator of all things, but I believe that other gods, and goddess helped him on the way. No religion I've knew of believe in Jesus, and more then one God. So I was lost for A while, and I just consider myself spiritual. I felt like A outcast though cause I couldn't talk to religious people, or atheists, sometimes I could talk to a spiritual person but we always have disagreements, so I just felt really lost. Until one day I started to learn more about spells, I've always did spells sometimes for fun copying Harry Potter, or I did one for a job interview before. But then I kept researching more, and I came across Wicca. I have never heard of Wicca honestly, I only thought it was witchcraft, and they worship "satan" and that was a problem for me, because I never believe in the devil. I believed the creator is nothing but love, and evil is A illusion in this world to turn us against our pure selfs, but I then learned that wiccans doesn't believe in Satan or hell. I was profound, I felt lied to. When I was catholic, christian, and hebrew israelite I was always taught that witches worship satan. But what I've research was nothing but the opposite. Wicca is nothing but love, respect for nature, and they may say witches don't know they're worshiping the devil, but it doesn't make sense to me. Hebrews may call God, Yaweh but they know they're speaking of God, the same way witches know they aren't speaking to the devil. So I started to talk to different kinds of witches online, some belief in hindu gods, some belief in egyptian gods, some were christian witches, I was surprise to learn that they're millions different types of witches, well not millions but you get the point. All this time I was just judging which God said not to do, now I am learning, and just respecting everyone beliefs even if its different then mines. It has been a long ride trying to figure out where I belong spiritually, without anyone bothering me. It's like a weight lift off my shoulders honestly. I am learning more about Wicca, Also celtic history, and the sabbaths now. But I can definitely say Wicca is the first religion I have every been in, and felt right. I feel amazing actually, and I don't think I am every going to change my religion, or my practice, and my beliefs. I am, and always be a solo white witch, that works with water, and have some catholic mixed with celtic (Goddesses & Gods), beliefs. Blessed be everyone. 

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