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My name is Egypt.
Welcome to my main blog, I'm never really good with this opening stuff but I guess it's a beginning for everything.

Sunday, March 29, 2015, 12:00 PM
My first posted theory.

Who is Charles? And Why? 
It has to be A. or B.

Charles is A.Wren or B.Bethany, here is why.

      Well to start off let's talk about "Welcome To The Dollhouse"season 5, finale. So much has happen. But lets be honest, the only big clue we got was the video with Mrs.Dilaurentis, with the baby girl, and two little boys. 

For the people that says A doesn't have a soul. Yes. A does have a soul by the way because he wasn't always that way, he was once innocent as it shows in the video when he was a kid. Back to the point. It's only two ways this video can turn to. A. Charles is Jason cousin and the baby is Bethany or B.Charles is Jason twin. Mrs.Dilaurentis wouldn't hold a stranger child or be with kids she isn't close with the family, we all know how Mrs.Dilaurentis is a bitch. So let's start with the A theory.


The baby is Bethany, and the brother is Charles also know as Wren. 
       If we are going by what the boys really looked like, and from this photo Actress; Andrea Parker posted. Then we will see, one boy looks older then the other. If that's the case then maybe the older boy is Jason, and the younger one that kissed his sister is Charles, and the baby girl is Bethany. It would make sense, since Alison is like 7 years younger which both boys looks younger then 7. Am I moving to fast for you? Well let me slow down.  Marlene king said multiple times Mona was the original A, and UberA took the game from her in season 3 so we do not know if UberA was in season 1 or not. So all we have is a maybe. 

but even if A was in the pilot, so was Wren. 

Wren was first seen dating Messila, and trying to become a doctor so he knows a lot about meds. He also seems to be always messing, and he played a big role in season 3. Marlene King once stated that, almost everything starts in Radley, and season 3. In season 3 is when Wren started to become sketchy, he made a fake visitor past for Mona, and help her get out of Radley. And even Eddie that worked their for years for some reason didn't trust him at all,
They're million other reasons why I think Wren is A, but I want to make this short, and sweet at least try to. But the main reason Wren could be Charles is, besides the obvious Charles sounds very british lol. He is the only one close to Jason age. Andrew, Toby, Lucas, Caleb, cannot be Charles none of them are even close to Jason age at all so they're just cross off the list. And Erza (I think is not A cause it's too obvious, we already thought he was before).  Now lets go to Bethany, why do I think that baby girl is Bethany? Well isn't Allison like 7 years younger then Jason?   Maybe she wasn't born yet. And Mrs.Dilaurentis was just babysitting her niece, and nephew while the real mother, Mrs.D sister was recording. 

Do you guys remember the twin story? 

One sister was jealous, and so mad her sister she killed her over a doll. Then got sent to a mental hospital, aka Radley. We never got explain why Bethany is put into Radley but we know she was their almost all her life. Also they had another halloween special when Hannah mother found a little girl ghost, and she was talking about her sister. But back to the point, maybe Mrs.Dilaurentis was babysitting at the time Bethany killed her sister, and she felt so guilty visited her niece all the time, brought her dresses, and even told her call her aunt (the time when spencer went to the horse ranch, and the guy saw Mrs.Dilaurentis and Bethany).  

That night, when Allison went missing. 
Bethany obviously hit Allison on the back of the head, when Allison falls to the ground you see more blood falling on the rock, after Allison was on the ground, so the person that hit her was also bleeding I'm guessing. Bethany found out Mr.Dilaurents had a affair with her father. (Spencer & Mona found that out in Radley.) Then remember when Spencer thought she killed Allison? And Messila thought so too, so she buried her? Well it wasn't Allison it was Bethany. And Spencer probably killed her. So Charles is getting revenge for his sister, and everyone that lied about her death, mainly the girls, and Allison.


Charles is Bethany. 
Although we never really saw Bethany we know a lot about her, she was in Radley almost all her life, and tell from the picture she draw of herself, she didn't like the way she looked she only like long blonde hair, and female treats. So maybe Charles, wanted to be a girl. Reason why Mrs.Dilaurentis got a dress for him, and told Allison not to tell daddy. Mr.Dilaurentis probably didn't accept his son being that way so he sent him to Radley, and instead of what his father wanted him to become, he grew depressed, and yarn for wanted to be a girl so much he became suicidal so he stayed in Radley even longer. Mr, and Mrs.Dilaurents was so ashamed of Charles they kept him away, and never even let Allison know about him being her brother, and Chales (Bethany) never knew about Allison being his sister they just thought they're cousins. 

That night, Allison went missing.
Allison trying to be nice or play a joke, and invited Charles (Bethany) to town. Bethany was so happy to find out that someone is actually on her side, and wants her to get out of Radley so she writes this letter. Until Bethany found out the truth, everything. Allison his is sister, and his parents lied to him about everything. So full of hatred, and jealousy, 
(we all know how much Bethany hated Allison, and Mrs.Dilaurentis)
He hits Allison on the back of the head, while bleeding (I still believe spencer hit Bethany no matter what). But after Messila buried her, she escapes and takes revenge on everyone for her "death", and out of jealousy cause all her life she was in Radley. Or Cece is Bethany.


No matter how the cookie crumbles. Bethany is a crazy bitch, and somehow connected to this all of this. None of the liars is A, anymore! They can't kidnap themselves. And A is no one that is 4 or 5 years younger or older then Jason.  I've been rewatching Pretty little liars from season 3,  And that is how I came up with this theory. This Finale was the best episode ever of PLL's, and they did give us a really big clue.

Please share your theories with me though!~
I love you all PLLarmy, and PLLfamily!^_~ <3
Please leave a comment of what you think.

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