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My name is Egypt.
Welcome to my main blog, I'm never really good with this opening stuff but I guess it's a beginning for everything.

Sunday, March 29, 2015, 12:00 PM
My first posted theory.

Who is Charles? And Why? 
It has to be A. or B.

Charles is A.Wren or B.Bethany, here is why.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 1:36 PM
First game I ever played.

                                The first game I have ever played was nightmare Ned. 
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, 1:23 PM
First Book in Teen Years.

The first book in my teen years I read was the giver. 
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, 11:41 AM
Music of the day.

, 11:21 AM
First time casting a circle

Monday, February 2, 2015, 12:00 AM
First Imbolc (Brigid's Day).

What is Imbolc? 
              Many celebrate it for different reasons for me, since I am Wiccan and I celebrate the sabbaths (The Wheel of the Year ). I celebrate it cause it is the first signs of Spring. This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted. I also celebrate it for Brigid the Goddess, or some may consider her a saint. Either way she was a great women, and a mid wife for Mary in human form, but as a Goddess she is the Goddess of the flames, healing, poetry, fertility, and new beginnings, 
she will Guide you for new beginnings if you need her. 
She will be there. Trust me on my experience.

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Thursday, January 1, 2015, 12:47 PM
First time realizing beliefs.

             Well I am proud to say I am fully Wiccan with some Catholic beliefs still of course. From a very young age I've always believe in Jesus without anyone pressuring me to, because of my experiences with paranormal, and my memory. 
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